Seasons change like clockwork, and the dip in heats, the increase in pollutants produces ideal conditions for infective organisms like viruses and bacteria to thrive. Allergens and fungi also add to it all.
Respiratory viruses, viral and bacterial, allergic bronchitis and asthma, skin allergies and fungal infections, and viral diarrhea, etc. dominate the scene. These have an impact on children’s health.
Do’s and Don’ts:
- Breastfeeding for at least one year to get immunity from infections and allergies.
- Eat plenty of fruits, green vegetables, different colored vegetables, and a balanced high protein diet.
- Nuts are also helpful for children but they should not be given to children under the age of 2 years, because of the risk of choking.
- There should be no restriction in the diet like stopping oranges, yogurt or bananas in cold weather to prevent a child from catching a cold or during a cold.
- Plenty of fresh air and sunshine is good for everybody more so for children.
- Outdoor games also keep children fit and healthy.
- Do not hold the child’s bedroom too hot.
- Blowers are drying and can cause dehydration. Heating the room with oil heaters may be the best idea.
- Heating appliances should not be used 24*7. They should be used intermittently when it’s very cold.
- It’s essential to bathe young babies and children in a warm atmosphere and preferably around noon when it gets warmer.
- The water for the bath should not be too hot, nor too cold. Very warm water can dehydrate the skin and very cold water can give a chill.
- Viral respiratory infections are normal from October, through winter and early spring occur frequently and need no antibiotics only supportive therapy is generally sufficient.
- All vaccinations should be up to date, to stop vaccine-preventable viral and bacterial infections occurring with the change of season or winters.
- Wear warm clothes in layers and no woolen clothes should be in direct contact with skin to prevent allergies.
- Do not over clothe the children. As over clothing with woolens offers no protection against colds or respiratory infections.
- Air the babies periodically during the day to provide ventilation and airing. A stuffed, completely covered, and bundled child will land up with skin and fungal infections. Clothing should be comfortable and easy to wear.
If your child suffering from any problem contact Dr. Pravin Kasliwal is one of the Child Specialists in Nashik.