General Medicine

General Medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases of the internal organs. General Medicine is a leader in post-hospitalist medicine.

General medicine is the medical specialty concerned with preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases in adults.

Our general physicians consider all aspects of your health and wellbeing when providing care, including the physical, emotional or psychological effects of your condition or treatment.

General medicine services

We diagnose and help manage your condition if you are acutely unwell in hospital or in outpatient clinics by providing evidence-based care.

Our general physicians have a broad range of knowledge of medical conditions and consider your overall wellbeing, particularly if you have a number of co-existing conditions, when providing treatment.

We provide ongoing care throughout your hospital stay and at discharge. When necessary we work closely with subspecialists to ensure you receive the most effective treatment.

Your care may include medical procedures, diagnostic testing and medications. Our physicians provide clear communication to ensure you understand your diagnosis and can manage it appropriately.

Benefits of our general medicine services

Our general medicine services offer:

  • Access to a general and sub-specialty medicine treatment as an inpatient or outpatient
  • Access to multidisciplinary medical care
  • Expert, patient-centred care which considers all aspects of your health and wellbeing
  • A strong emphasis on clear communication with you and your loved ones.
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